Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Aurora LNG process moves forward into 2017, with EAO Open House scheduled for February

The Proposed LNG terminal for Digby Island will be the
subject of an EAO hosted Open House in February

(diagram from Aurora LNG)

Residents of the North Coast who may have some questions for officials from Aurora LNG have about a month to review their notes and make their preparations to get more information on the LNG terminal project proposed for Digby Island.

Nexen Energy the Canadian firm that is proposing to construct and operate the Digby Island facility has now submitted their application to obtain an Environmental Assessment Certificate to British Columbia's Environmental Assessment Office.

The submission of their application for the certificate is one of the first steps in the long road ahead of an environmental review for the proposed development.

As part of the process, the Environmental Assessment Office of British Columbia is preparing to host an Open House related to the Aurora development plans, with Wednesday, February 8th selected as the date for the Prince Rupert Open House to take place at the Moose Hall from 4 until 8 PM.

The main purpose of the February 8th session is to provide background information on the project and to open the process to receive comments from the public, in order to ensure that all potential effects - environmental, economic and social, as well as those related to heritage and health are identified for consideration as part of the assessment process.

The submission of comments phase of the application process runs for 45 days beginning on January 16, 2017 and continuing on until March 2nd, 2017.

There are three ways to participate in the comments phase of the process.

You can use an online form from the EAO website, which will be available when the comment period opens on January 16, 2017.

Send your comments by mail to:
Sean Moore
Project Assessment Manager
Environmental Assessment Office
PO Box 9426, Stn Prov Govt
Victoria BC V8W 9V1

Or By Fax at:

It should be noted that all submissions that are received by the EAO during the comment period in relation to the proposed Aurora Project are considered public and will be posted to the EAO website.

More background on the Application and information related to the environmental assessment process is available from the EAO website here.

Printed copies of the Application are also available at the Prince Rupert Library and at the Aurora LNG office at 344 -2nd Avenue West, Prince Rupert.

The Aurora LNG Project is proposed for the Southeast corner of Digby Island and would feature an LNG facility and marine terminal that would export up to 24 million tonnes of LNG per year.

One group that may have some interest in the submission process ahead could be the City of Prince Rupert and while the topic has not been discussed by Council members in public session, Mayor Lee Brain did outline some of his thoughts on the proposed development at the December session of the North Coast Regional District.

Should they be inclined to submit to weigh in on the project, it would not be the first time that the City has done so, in April of 2016, the City of Prince Rupert provided a fairly expansive contribution to the CEAA process related to the Pacific NorthWest LNG project, delivering their notes on a number of issues and concerns related to that proposed development.

For more items related to the Aurora project see our Archive page here.

Cross posted from the North Coat Review

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