Monday, March 20, 2017

City Council Preview: Monday, March 20, 2017

Depending on how many members of the public are in attendance for the Budget consultation and Committee of the Whole session, tonight's council meeting might make for a pretty quick review of civic business for the final public gathering of March.

Only one item, a variance permit request, makes for a discussion topic on the Agenda listings for the evening, while the end of the session will be available for any comments or thoughts from the city's council members.

You can review the background documentation for tonight's Regular Session from the Agenda Package here.

Council will also be holding a Closed Session for this evening starting at 5 PM, the city citing criteria from Section 90 of the Community Charter, noting that the public is to be excluded from those deliberations for the the following reason.

the acquisition, disposition or expropriation of land or improvements, if the council considers that disclosure could reasonably be expected to harm the interests of the municipality.

The evening begins with the final Budget Consultation opportunity for the public where any final questions or concerns related to the city's financial plan for the year can be relayed to Council.

As well, tonight features time set aside for a Committee of the Whole Session, which offers the chance for the public to raise any issues or concerns that they may have with civic issues.

The Regular  Council session starts off for the evening with the adoption of agendas and minutes.

Following that requirement, the line up for the night looks as follows.

Petitions and Delegations 

Any Notes on Unfinished Business will follow that presentation.

Reports and Recommendations is next on the Agenda listings.

Report from the Community Planner -- Application for Development Variance Permit for 125  Kootenay Place (Page 8 of the Agenda Package)

Correspondences for Action

Resolutions from Closed Meetings, makes for the next item on the Agenda.

Bylaws mark the next item of the Agenda on the night.

The evening then moves on to Additional Items from Council members, as well as Reports, Questions and Inquiries from Members of Council.

Council members will also offer up any items or concerns that they have for consideration on the night.

The Live broadcast of the City Council session can be found here, a video archive of past sessions is available here.

Our archive of items related to the March 20th session can be found here.

While our archive of all sessions for 2017 for Council is available here.

Cross posted from the North Coast Review

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